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How To Plan Your Yoga Practice

A guide for beginner yogis to help make yoga a habit.

We are going to go over 6 tips that will help you find out when you can fit yoga in, how to fit it in and what to do in that time. Making yoga a habit is going to help you to feel:

  • Healthier
  • Happier
  • Stronger
  • Rejuvenated

So Lets Begin

Step 1 – Figure Out Your Schedule

This first one may seem really obvious but it’s amazing how we all see time differently and having it laid out in front of us can really help us to see when we have free time.

Write Monday – Sunday on a piece of paper or on an excel sheet and write in all the times your busy. Things you want to include

  • work
  • when you have the kids
  • meal times
  • drive time
  • cleaning/chores
  • anything else you can think of that you do regularly

Figure out exactly how much time you have daily to spend on self care and doing some yoga. Even if that’s only 1 minute before bed, write it down!

Step 2 – Create A Playlist On YouTube

If you don’t go to any regular yoga classes or have any zoom classes booked , then start by looking on YouTube for classes. You already have the times you are available now, by following step 1. Go through YouTube and create a playlist based on these times.

eg. If you have 10 minutes on Monday, 30 on Tuesday, an hour Wednesday. Find classes these lengths and add them in order.

This makes it so much easier when you come to practice, you can head to your playlist and start practicing write away instead of searching for classes. Now I know this may take a little time to set up but it is so worth it. Once you have done that class, either move it to the bottom or delete, so the next day your next class is at the top waiting for you.

If you are looking for classes based on length, check out my YouTube here.

Step 3 – Get Clear Where In Your Practice You Are

Are you new to yoga? Have you been practicing a while?

The last thing you need is to put on an hours advanced vinyasa class if you are brand new to yoga, within the first 10 minutes you may feel like giving up and it will compromise your whole routine. Of course you can have goals and try new things but be realistic with where you are.

Don’t get disheartened because a class didn’t suit you, find another class, pick another teacher. Which brings me into …

Step 4 – Try Different Classes

As well as each yoga teacher, teaching differently, there are also different styles of yoga. Try a few out on YouTube and see which ones resonate with you.

Take in mind that different yoga classes can do different things for the body so if you have an hours practice before bed maybe do a yin class that helps aid sleep rather than a vinyasa class that will energise you and keep you awake. If you are interested in creating balance, which of course is what yoga is all about using these different style of classes (vinyasa and yin) is a great way to create that balance.

Step 5 – Learn How To Do A Sun Salutation

Sun salutation aka Surya Namaskar is one of the most popular movements in yoga. This consists of standing at the top of your mat, folding forward, stepping into plank to chaturanga to cobra, stepping into downward facing dog and then back to the top of the mat. If you are unsure on this movement you can check it out here:

Once You know how to do a Sun Salutation you have the ability to do yoga anywhere. You don’t have to rely on yoga classes, the internet or to go to a class. You can literally do a Sun Salutation anywhere.

This means if you have had a busy day you can do a sun salutation before bed (which literally take a minute) and I guarantee you will feel better knowing that you have still moved your body today, even if it wasn’t for very long. If you have longer, you can repeat these sun salutations to build up a longer class. The choice is yours.

Step 6 – Listen To Your Body

If you need to rest, then rest. The good thing about yoga is that it doesn’t have to be all physical. Meditation is still part of yoga. If you have a day wher eyour body isn’t feeling great and getting on your mat is the last thing that you want to do. Try a different form of yoga:

  • Meditation
  • Breathing Exercises
  • Sitting in silence

This is still yoga and keeping up the routine will help you feel accomplished because if your body is saying NO, you need to listen.

I hope you enjoyed this tips and I hope that they will help you to keep a regular practice and help you kick start a healthy habit for 2022.

If you are looking to improve your yoga practice come and join us in FLEDGLING YOGI – The only online yoga course that focuses on improving the 5 main poses of yoga so that you can feel less like a beginner and more like a yogi pro.

Leah Hyne @Lakorayoga

1 thought on “How To Plan Your Yoga Practice”

  1. Pingback: How to fit yoga in when you have kids - Lakora Yoga

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