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Lakora Live Membership

Finally see the difference in your flexibility

Including fun flows & bedtime stretches that are super easy to fit in and have you feeling healthier than ever before

The most affordable way to improve your health – Body & Mind

What’s the difference between the Membership and YouTube?


  • Free Yoga Classes
  • Free Challenges
  • (usually 15 minutes and under)

Lakora Live Membership

  • Longer classes and over 200 to choose from
  • Live Classes 3x a week
  • Yoga/Flexibility Courses
  • Challenges that go deeper and see more of a transformation
  • Feedback and access to me for questions
  • Available on an App

Why do you need to work on your flexibility?

  • Reduce stiffness as you age
  • Reduce aches and pains in the body
  • Improve circulation and health
  • Improve sleep and positivity
  • Less likely to injury yourself

This isn’t a case of well I’ll treat myself. It’s a case of you NEED to look after yourself. You only have one body, let’s keep it fit, mobile and healthy body & mind. Let’s inspire those around us to improve and move the best we can.

Because I know this is a necessity I have made it the most affordable way out there to really improve your health physically and mentally. You can get courses out there that are £1000’s but i know as busy parents that can be hard to justify. So instead I have put all of this into an affordable membership that you can even start for free!

Flexibility helps to improve energy, sleep, circulation and so much more.

Whether you want to flow at home, on holiday, on your lunch break or even a quick meditation in the car. With Lakora Yoga App you can access your classes on any device whenever you need. You can fit it into nap times too.

All our classes are based around 3 main movements that will help you gain full body flexibility…

“In just 3 weeks, I can feel a huge difference in my flexibility and it’s improved my sleep and positivity”

– Zoe

A variety of classes to keep you inspired & consistent without having to drive to a yoga class and feel self-conscious in front of others.

Members can enjoy;

  • 3 weekly live zoom classes (replays uploaded within the hour)
  • Unlimited access to our catalogue of recorded video classes which include;
    • Vinyasa flows for Fun Creative Movements that can build a sweat
    • Yin for slowing down, using cushions and pillows to feel that deep stretch
    • Beginner classes for the basics and learning more about yoga postures and your body
    • Meditations for your Mental Wellbeing which also help with sleep
    • Tappings to help you stay motivated and work on your mindset
  • Private Facebook group for community, support and feedback
  • Free access to all of Lakora Yoga’s courses and challenges! (worth £100’s)

“When my husband and I study yoga online with Leah, we feel like we’ve finally found someone who can explain to us what on earth we are doing! What a gifted teacher she is! She even taught me to master Crow Pose, which I had been working on forever without success. Leah is gentle, kind, insightful, and absolutely happiness-inspiring! Wonderful yoga classes!”

– Amy C

You might be feeling stuck, like your getting stiffer every year and those aches and pains that come along with it are no fun. I know; I’ve been there! Sometimes I’m still there. Keeping up with a 7 year old can be tough on the body.

Imagine if you could wake up without feeling like you have been in a boxing match the night before. Like you have the energy and movement in your body to get up and do the things that really fulfil your heart.

You want to be able to sit on the floor and get up without looking like your 100 years old and making some odd animal noises as you try to get up and down.

Take a sneak peak inside…

No Risk. Sign up. Leave anytime.

Your Teacher

Hi, I’m Leah. I am a fully qualified yoga teacher, mum to a 7 year old and complete animal lover. You may see my chickens, dog, cat and child pop up in videos sometimes.

I started practicing yoga 13 years ago and I was extremely inflexible. Gaining flexibility has always been a challenge for my tighter than normal body BUT that is what got me hooked. I soon started researching ways to really help normal bodies gain flexibility and found so many cool tricks and ways to really help me get into some funky yoga poses I could of only dreamed of 12 years ago and i want to share these tips and tricks with normal people in normal bodies just like me!

As a mum of a crazy 7 year old, I also know what it’s like to be busy with no time to do yoga or not be able to go to an in person class. That’s why I’ve designed this online yoga membership to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. With 30-minute classes offered three times a week, you can experience the transformative benefits of yoga without the stress of rigid schedules. It’s like having a personal yoga retreat right in your home, giving you the flexibility you need while enhancing your overall well-being. There are also shorter classes in the membership for those really busy days!

What makes Lakora Live different to other yoga memberships?

  • Firstly, I have made this the most affordable membership out there that deals with body and mindset. You can pay 1000’s for an online course on this stuff but i know as a busy parent myself I couldn’t justify the money or the commitment. That’s why this is low cost but full of value because these little people and animals need us to be our best selves. I want to impact the world and make it affordable for everyone who needs it!
  • I have never been flexible and it takes me a long time to achieve it. This means I know what it feels like to be inflexible and can help you find solutions and give you variations of poses to really maximise your flexibility. Sometimes it can be difficult for yoga teachers who have always been naturally flexible to understand what it’s like to not be able to do the ‘beginner pose’ they recommend, My tighter body has you covered.
  • We provide an interactive Facebook group where you get to post videos or questions and I can help you in your yoga journey. You are not just left on your own to do classes and that’s it (unless that’s what you want, of course). Feel free to post in the group for feedback. Yes, This is included in the price!
  • This isn’t just a library of classes, you get the option to join us live 3 times a week. This is great for accountability and to keep you showing up for your practice, sometimes we all need a little help to show up right?
  • We also don’t just post random yoga classes. We have a purpose to help you gain flexibility and improve your yoga poses. So if you have a goal, we can help!


What do Members have access to?

All the classes in the membership portal, 3 weekly zoom classes that you can chose to attend or not, the Facebook group and access to all Lakora Yoga’s courses and challenges! (worth 100’s)

Do I need a Yoga Mat & props?

It isn’t necessary to start your practice. However, if you are planning to practice regularly then I would suggest that you get hold of a yoga mat. I have a recommendations list in the Facebook group – I’ve tried a bunch, so can help you find a great Mat, skipping some of the dodgy ones!

For props, they are great to use but you can also use household items. (dressing gown ties, cushions, pillows etc)

What if I don’t have Facebook?

That’s fine!

When you sign up you will receive an email with all the links to the website and to the app to access all your classes. The app is the best option as in there you can sign up for the zoom classes which will then send you an email 30 minutes before with the zoom links.

How do I know what video to do?

When you first sign up to Lakora Live you will be sent a welcome series to help guide you on where you should begin. You can make your way through this list or simple decide what you would like to start working on. Maybe its backbending, maybe its meditation, maybe its flexibility. You will have access to email Leah with any questions to help get you on track or simple ask in the Facebook group.

Beginner? – 21 day beginner course

Flexibility focused? – 3 week intensive program – fledgling yogi

Consistency? Live classes.

Is this for beginners?

I have a beginner section in the membership but most of my classes are for beginner/intermediate. I always give options and will help you progress. We have a lot of beginners inside!

Meaning sometimes we flow pretty fast but we usually start it slow and build up to it.

There is no jumping into handstand in the middle of a flow although we do have a handstand class walking you through how to do a handstand against the wall if that is a goal of yours.

How long do I have access and what’s the cost?

For as long as you are paying your monthly subscription.

Cancel anytime.

You will receive a 5 day free trial and then it’s only £24 per month!

What do my classes look like? Below is a snippet from a vinyasa flow that has been sped up to give you an idea.

We generally break down the vinyasa flows and then go through them quicker once we know the routine.

Although this is vinyasa, we also do Slow Flows and Yin yoga as well so you get the mix of it all. Slow, Fast, Sweaty & Calm.

The Yin classes which are a lot slower use blankets, yoga blocks (or books) and cushions to really sink into the poses great when you don’t have a lot of energy. Like the image below.

But Leah, how is this really going to benefit my life? I’m glad you asked!

Yoga not only improves your physical body by gaining flexibility, strength, doing cardio and slowing down your nervous system but it also helps your mental clarity. When we slow down and focus on our bodies we start noticing where we are tight, we notice when our breathing gets short, when things become emotionally unstable for us. It helps us look within.

Yes, this one simple thing called yoga can do all that. It can help our physical and mental wellbeing. There is a famous yogi saying – what shows up on your mat, shows up off the mat as well (in your life) and vice versa.

So if you are someone who rushes through your practice, where does that show up in your life? Maybe you are always on the go and never take a break.

If you are someone who struggles to keep showing up on the mat, where does that show up in your life? And what can happen when you have help to keep showing up on the mat, this can start showing in your life and into other things that you do? You start believing in your self more and showing up!

Who is this Membership for? Anyone who…

Anyone who is at least one of the following;  

  • Wants to start or try yoga 
  • Is on a budget but wants amazing results
  • Is fed up of going to the gym and wants to workout in the comfort of their own home
  • Feels achey and suffers from low back pain or hip pain.
  • Wants to gain flexibility and strength
  • Wants to find some calmness and ‘me time’ in there busy lives
  • Loves vinyasa flows but also likes the slower classes for them slower days
  • Loves seeing a positive difference in their mental health
  • Likes the accountability of live classes

Who isn’t this membership for?

  • Advanced Yogi’s looking for extreme arm balancing and power yoga.
  • Someone who isn’t committed to looking after themselves. I cannot make you get on the yoga mat but I can give you the best classes for flexibility out there!

So, how does this work?

Clicking the button below will take you to the Lakora Live Membership, all you have to do, is follow the easy signup process there, & you can get straight into enjoying our extensive back catalogue, along with new videos, every week!

You can cancel whenever you want to. However, as soon as payment has been taken, due to the digital nature of the product no refunds will be available, so make sure you cancel before your next payment.


Imagine where you could be a few months from now with a consistent, organised yoga flexibility practice. 

Feeling less stressed, more mobile, healthier in mind and body, and feeling the healthiest you have felt for a while.

Focusing on flexibility is the best way to create a healthy body and mind.

Lakora Live Membership – a path to more freedom in your body!

Let’s help you relieve some tightness, find a little freedom and discover a love of yoga!

Your investment! £24 a month to shape your life into what you want it to be!

Signup below to become a member now.

Have questions, want to chat about the membership? Give me a message on WhatsApp – 07908564891

*Please note that I will be taking the odd holiday but I always prerecord classes for these events so you will never miss out on new weekly classes